Saturday, July 31, 2010

Modalitati Fun de tonifiere a corpului

Pt ca am facut deja un top al vedetelor care ma impresioneaza cu tinuta lor pe plaja, si pt ca toate revistele ne bombardeaza cu poze ale vedetelor in costume de baie, diete care de mai care, m-am gandit sa fac o scurta prezentare a diverselor forme de exercitii fizice care mie personal mi se par practice insa si FUN. Si daca eu am reusit sa iubesc miscarea, sincer oricine poate...
Zumba Dance - Zumba combina energia si muzica ritmata, motivanta, cu miscari unice de dans care faciliteaza invatarea rapida si asigura buna dispozitie. Zumba foloseste o fuziune de dansuri latino si internationale (de la cumbia columbiana la merengue, salsa si calypso, hip hop si reggaeton) creand astfel un antrenament eficient, dinamic si captivant. Programul este conceput ca un mix de aerobic si fitness, cu miscari in ritmuri rapide care tonifica si sculpteaza corpul. (In timisoara la Alana's Fitness se tin cursuri de zumba dance)
In timpul unei sedinte, se ard intre 700 si 1000 de calorii. Partea cardio este una intensa si, in plus, zumba mareste si capacitatile de coordonare si echilibru. De asemenea, duce la imbunatatirea functionarii sistemului cardio-vascular si a capacitatii pulmonare. La Zumba, transpiri, e adevarat, dar razi in timp ce o faci.
Efectele Zumba Fitness asupra corpului se obtin datorita utilizarii unor principii din fitness care determina arderea caloriilor, diminuarea tesutului adipos si tonifierea completa a corpului. Ritmurile latino care asigura fundalul sonor pentru antrenament fac ca miscarile sa nu mai para dificile pentru cursanti, ci sa se transforme intr-o placere. Sau intr-o dependenta de miscare.

Bellydance Fitness - "Dansul din buric" (bellydance) este una dintre cele mai vechi arte orientale. O sedinta zilnica de 30 de minute bellydance fitness este recomandata pentru cele care au o munca sedentara, care stau 8-9 ore pe scaun si isi solicita astfel foarte mult coloana vertebrala.
Exercitiile de gen FITBALL - pe care le putem face acasa sau in cadrul cursurilor speciale de la salile de aerobic (in Timisoara la Alana's Fitness). Fitball este un tip de exercitiu fizic in care rolul principal il are mingea. Lucrezi exclusiv cu o minge speciala, de mai mari dimensiuni, executand numeroase si complexe exercitii, de cele mai multe ori acompaniata de muzica. Insa mare atentie, mingea se alege dupa statura astfel: la 1.50 m: 45 cm; la 1.60 m: 55 cm; pt o inaltime de 1.70m: 65 cm, iar la peste 1.80m: 75cm, si dupa greutate in asa fel incat unghiul lateral dintre picioare si bazin, genunchi si glezna sa fie de 90 de grade. Astfel, exercitiile pentru tonifierea abdomenului efectuate cu ajutorul fitball-ului fac parte din programe de intretinere corporala, de tonifiere si de slabit.
Efectele pozitive ale fitball-ului:
- Tonifiere abdominala
- Tonifiere a muschilor spatelui
- Imbunatatirea echilibrului
- Flexibilitate
- Relaxarea muschilor incordati
- Arderea accelerata a grasimilor

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Friday and I...

... need a manicure and I just remembered I have a Dream Nails voucher. Bliss!
... had an eventful week!
... have a coffee date tomorrow morning at Vida in Willowbridge.
... am meeting Vanessa Haywood next week! I wonder what she looks like in real life...
... still have the urge to buy more lingerie. I was thinking 'black lace' and, for some reason, something yellow too.
... see that I'm on the NoMU Blog this morning (tiny little appearance)! Their August poster will be up at the Engen on Orange soon, but click the link to see what the 1950's inspired poster looks like featuring Richard Hardiman. I think this one of the best posters so far.
... need to show my sister how to give her blog some life! But do follow her here.
... am craving some of that crispy chicken and potato salad from last night's braai.
... wish I could attend glamorous events every night and just live the high-life! Unfortunately the boring 'nine to five' pays the bills.
... need a haircut really bad! Split-ends-deluxe!
... only went to gym once this week. I really am not the exercise or sporty type! Bleh.
... am going to donate blood today and I'm not looking forward to that 'straw' being stuck in my arm! But don't say I never do anything good.
... have loads of deadlines, but hey, blogging is just so much more fun! So sue me...

Have a lovely weekend my darlings!

(Image found here)

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Happy 25th Birthday to ME!!!

hey loves.. i am so blessed & happy to be able to celebrate another year and thank all of you for reading/following my blog =]

enjoy ur weekend i am surely going to enjoy mine

p.s- i saw inception a few hrs was great 
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feel like some TLC? Well, WIN it!

Fellow skinnies-in-the-making-slash-blogging-babes are running a FAB competition to win some serious, much needed, pampering at The Urban Spa!

- 30 Minute Hot Stone Back and Neck Massage
- Stress Relief Head Massage
- Specialised Facial
- Warm Paraffin Hand and Foot dip and Massage
- Refreshments

Visit the Skinny Bitches in the Making blog by clicking here and follow the instructions to enter! Hurry, because there's only about one more week left!

Pick me, pick me! I'll totally play the sympathy card if it will work...


(Image found here)

2OceansVibe Radio Launch Party - all the cool people under one roof!

Last night I attended the launch of 2OceansVibe radio and what a party it was! Lets just say that if you like to mingle with the 'in crowd' and celebrities, that was the place to be. Once I stepped foot inside the Cape Quarter I thought, 'oh gawd, another Camps Bay thing with leggy models'. Not so! I felt right at home among all those bloggers and well-known faces. Totally up my alley. The music was great, I mean, they just played all my favourite tunes that made me want to get my groove on without the help of alcohol. Then the food, oh em gee, the food was so nice! Little steak rolls, sushi, pizza, mini chocolate cupcakes... you name it! I really had to hold back (no thanks to an upcoming shoot), but I gave in eventually when warm pizza with feta, peppadews and basil pesto toppings came my way.

You are probably dying to know more about the event itself, who I met, what the celebrities are like and see some pictures! But allow me to just give a quick congratulations to Seth Rotherham on the successful launch, a thank you to Robert Miller for taking me and introducing me to everyone (he sure knows everyone) and thanks to Richard Hardiman for getting me on that coveted guest list! It was such an amazing experience!

Ok, ok, I'll put you out of your misery - here it is, all summed up with some illustrations.

After trying on almost everything in my cupboard, I went with this outfit. Laid back, yet still sexy. Thanks to my sister and stylist-in-the-making for putting together an outfit and doing my hair.

Ooh, with the man himself, and even hotter in real life, Richard Hardiman. He is really nice and down to earth.

Mark Bayly is tall, dark, handsome, charming, sexy and just everything I thought he would be! Can anyone say 'dreamy'? He isn't as bubbly as he is on All Access, but I like them with their mouths closed.

Seth Rotherham, the man of the hour, is just so cool and funny! Did you know that his girlfriend is 'La Muse' from Pop ya Collar?

This is Alex van Tonder, or Cape Town Girl as we know her. I was very excited to meet her! She is just as pretty in real life than she is in her pictures!

Thank goodness I could convince him for a picture, otherwise I couldn't show you what Robert Miller looks like! He is very cool, super nice, a genuine gentleman and just so easy to talk to! It felt like I've known him forever and I'm just so excited to work with him.

Just a picture of the crowd - the place was packed with beautiful people.

It was exciting meeting Jack Parow too! He wore his famous hat when he performed on stage. I Scream And The Chocolate Stix also performed, but I didn't manage to get a pic with/ of them.

Some of the yummy food! Can you see why I just gave in? The cravings were getting out of hand!

2Oceans Vibe...

Here I'm pictured with Richard Hardiman and Samantha Laura Kaye. Shit, she was just the most beautiful woman there, by far! She's so nice, so elegant and her make-up was done flawlessly! I can't wait to work with her too. I'm sure she is going to turn me into a goddess! (Don't you just agree that she looks like Catherine Zeta Jones?)

This is Paul Raphaely from NoMU. Another really cool, good looking, talented and FUN guy! I loved how he just 'advertised' me the whole night! I'm such a lucky girl to be working with him in the coming weeks.

This is Paul's sister, Julia Raphaely. Yes, the Julia, as in managing director of Associated Magazines! She was just full of smiles, really nice and down to earth!

I got this cute cupcake on the way out.

It was a great night and definitely something I can tick off the bucket list. What's next? What is going to top this? Oh wait, I know! Being a poster girl with Vanessa Haywood for NoMU! There, I said it! That's my big surprise!

Ok, well it's back to reality for me. Sigh.

(Images: Writer's own - don't steal 'em)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Free Shipping from Sacha Cosmetics

Hey makeup lovers.. in my June faves i mentioned Sacha Cosmetics. 
Sacha was the Official Cosmetics of the Miss Universe, Miss USA and the Miss Jamaica Pageants.
Please check them out.. Currently they are having free shipping in the USA .. it is also a great brand for women of colour.

Check out the site Sacha Cosmetics (official website)
Fan page on Facebook: Fan page

Lady Gaga Sans MAKE-UP

Puţini au văzut-o pe Lady Gaga, de cand s-a lansat in domeniul entertaiment exact asa cum a lăsat-o Mama Natura, pt ca ea îşi păstreaza imaginea si costumatiile extravagante chiar si în timpul liber, incercand sa fie mereu cu masca pusa. Insă recent au apărut pe internet poze cu Lady Gaga la piscină alaturi de nişte prieteni si cel mai recent iubit, unde putem sa o admirăm în "toata splendoarea" ei... Ce părere aveţi?!

Foto credit:

My TOP 10 Celebrity Bikini

Tin sa mentionez ca ordinea este una aleatorie, adica nu o consider pe alessandra ambrosio mai nasoala decat oricare alta... Mi-a placut toate fetele, pt ca se vede ca depun efort sa arate asa, si cu siguranta asculta de sfaturile celor care le consiliaza in acest sens si nu fac parte din categoria faimoasa de la noi de pe hotare, care declara ca manaca de toate la orice ora si nu merg la sala.

1. Jessica Biel
2. Shakira - in Spania la o sedinta foto

3. Elisabetta Canalis - Cea care l-a cucerit pe cel mai ravnit burlac George Clooney
4. Katy Perry

5. Lauren Conrad
6. Vanessa Minnilo - Self Magazine
7. Sienna Miller - la plaja in Barbados
8. Miranda Kerr - la o sedinta foto in St. Barts
9. AnnaLynne McCord - vedeta 90210, de ziua ei, in Las Vegas
10. Alessandra Ambrosio - modelul Victoria's Secret, a avut recent o sedinta foto pe o plaja din St. Barts Franta

Foto credit:,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Juicy World – another sneak-peak of what’s in store!

Last week I dropped a few hints of what I’m planning and all my tweets were about this unknown, yet super exciting, news! Today I thought I’d give you some more clues, because, as my followers, you deserve to know first! You, and only you, will basically be with me on my journey and get to see and hear everything first!

So the big ‘campaign’ (that’s a clue too) is taking place in the next week or two. It involves Robert Miller (and you all know how I love to brag about his work), Vanessa Haywood (SA model and actress from District 9), Samantha Laura Kaye (the great make-up artist who has worked on this type of project before) and the NoMU Brand (yes, the NoMU that is taking over my spices cupboard). Another hint: Seth from 2Oceans Vibe Radio, Alex van Tonder (Cape Town Girl) and Vicky Sleet (from I Want That) have all done this before.

Needless to say, I’m super excited to work with all these amazingly talented people! This will be my first PROPER (meaning, professional) photo shoot (hey, another hint!) and, who knows, this might be the start of big things for me. I will definitely share the behind-the-scenes and pretty stuff with you.

Ok, I'm off to plan my outfit for the 2OceansVibe Radio launch! I will definitely post pictures about this for you too.

(Image found here)
Monday, July 26, 2010

Pretty as Peaches Giveaway

Win a MAC stereo rose MSF 

Motivation for Monday!

I had a really busy weekend behind me and all I can think of right now, is my bed! If you, just like me and probably the rest of the world, need a little something to get you through the day, here's an inspirational quote Sasha Martinengo sent me last week. It was this quote that helped me make the biggest decision to date...

"Do what makes YOU happy. Forget about tomorrow"

It sounds so reckless, but I love how I can just use this quote forever in every situation. Remember, you only have one life to live, so make every decision, every moment, every movement count today. One day you're going to look back on your life, so make sure those stories you tell your grandchildren, are going to be memorable.

Happy Monday darlings!

(Image found here)
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Top 10 Most Paid Celebrities

Rank 1. Oprah Winfrey

Power Rank : 1
Pay : $315.0 million
Category : Personalities
Pay Rank : 1
Web Rank : 5
Press Rank : 5
TV/Radio Rank : 1
Social Rank : 11

News that this coming season of The Oprah Winfrey Show will be her last helped the self-made billionaire garner more media attention than any other member of the Celebrity 100. Her Harpo production company, which spawned the careers of Dr. Phil, Rachel Ray and Dr. Oz, will introduce interior designer Nate Berkus this fall. Months later, the list's top-earner will add the lifestyle-themed Oprah Winfrey Network in partnership with Discovery Communications to her media empire.

Rank 2. Beyonce Knowles

Power Rank : 2
Pay : $87.0 mil
Category : Musicians
Pay Rank : 11
Web Rank : 2
Press Rank : 13
TV/Radio Rank : 9
Social Rank : 15

One half of the most famous couple in hip-hop, Beyoncé continues to expand her business empire beyond music. Endorsement deals with companies ranging from Nintendo to L'Oreal and her growing House of Dereon fashion line bring in millions of dollars per year on top of the $86 million she grossed from a 93-stop world tour.

Rank 3. James Cameron

Power Rank : 3
Pay :$210.0 mil
Category : Directors,
Pay Rank : 2
Web Rank : 20
Press Rank : 9
TV/Radio Rank : 21
Social Rank : 81

As the director of the highest grossing film of all time, Cameron is definitely "king of the world." Avatar has earned $2.7 billion at the box office alone and has changed the way Hollywood makes films. In the near future almost every studio blockbuster will be released in 3-D. Cameron is already at work on Avatar 2.

Rank 4. Lady Gaga

Power Rank : 4
Pay : $62.0 million
Category : Musicians
Pay Rank : 22
Web Rank : 1
Press Rank : 4
TV/Radio Rank : 13
Social Rank : 1

A newcomer to the Celebrity 100, Lady Gaga broke down the door to fame with outlandish outfits and quirky videos, including one that featured her and Beyonce poisoning an unappreciative boyfriend. Bringing in an estimated $31 million with a 106-date tour that grossed $95 million, Lady Gaga is also a marketer's dream, teaming up with Polaroid, Virgin Mobile, Monster Cable and Viva Glam.

Rank 5. Tiger Woods

Power Rank : 5
Pay : $105.0 mil
Category : Athletes
Pay Rank : 7
Web Rank : 35
Press Rank : 6
TV/Radio Rank : 7
Social Rank : 34

Tiger Woods' fall from global sports icon to tabloid fodder was stunning. He saw Accenture, AT&T and Pepsi drop him as a pitchman, but he remains the highest-paid athlete in the world thanks to huge deals with Nike, Electronic Arts and Upper Deck. Nike built a $650 million (sales) golf business from scratch on Woods' back. His fledgling golf course design business has been hurt by the economic downturn, as all three courses he's worked on have experienced major delays.

Rank 6. Britney Spears

Power Rank : 6
Pay : $64.0 mil
Category : Musicians
Pay Rank : 20
Web Rank : 3
Press Rank : 24
TV/Radio Rank : 15
Social Rank : 2

Not long ago, most of the entertainment world had written Britney Spears off as a celebrity flameout. But over the last year Spears logged the fifth highest-grossing tour in the world, bringing in $130 million in gross box office receipts by playing 98 dates. High-profile endorsement deals with Elizabeth Arden and Candies' prove that the public expects Spears to stay in the spotlight for good.

Rank 7 : U2

Power Rank 7
Pay $130.0 mil
Category Musicians
Pay Rank 3
Web Rank 11
Press Rank 18
TV/Radio Rank 54
Social Rank 28

The world's biggest rock band, U2 launched a massive world tour in 2009 that has brought in more than $311 million in gross box office receipts. Each tour stop brings in $10 million in gross ticket sales. Add in lucrative merchandise sales, heavy radio play and a steady-selling back catalog, and you have the highest-earning band on the planet.

Rank 8 : Sandra Bullock

Power Rank 8
Pay $56.0 mil
Category Actresses
Pay Rank 25
Web Rank 17
Press Rank 21
TV/Radio Rank 6
Social Rank 62

With two hit movies (The Proposal and The Blind Side) and an Oscar win, Bullock should have been sitting on top of the world. She is financially. With $56 million she's the highest-earning actress. But a messy breakup with cheating husband Jesse James turned her into tabloid fodder. Bullock overcame adversity with news of an adoption and a public return at the MTV Movie Awards.

Rank 9 : Johnny Depp

Power Rank 9
Pay $75.0 mil
Category Actors
Pay Rank 14
Web Rank 16
Press Rank 22
TV/Radio Rank 34
Social Rank 21

Depp zooms close to the top of our list this year thanks to his work as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's 3-D update of Alice in Wonderland. The Disney film has grossed $1 billion at the worldwide box office, making Depp the only actor to headline two $1 billion films. Depp also landed a big upfront payday for The Tourist. Costarring Angelina Jolie, the film is a rare case these days of two big stars getting big bucks.

Rank 10 : Madonna

Power Rank 10
Pay $58.0 mil
Category Musicians
Pay Rank 24
Web Rank 4
Press Rank 3
TV/Radio Rank 16
Social Rank 33

The Material Girl isn't quite ready to cede her spot in pop music's hierarchy to Lady Gaga or Britney Spears just yet. The 52-year-old singer had the fourth highest-grossing tour of 2009, bringing in $6 million a night and $138 million overall. An episode of the Fox hit sitcom Glee, which featured cast members singing several of her songs, added to her already high profile and cushioned her significant earnings from publishing royalties.

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