Saturday, September 17, 2011

Charlamange Tha God's Father Uses Taser

     So the word is that things got a little crazy at a Jets Vs. Cowboys game, where there was a taser pulled out and used on three people. Two crazy factors to this story is the fact that Larry McKevley at 54 was able to get the taser past security and the fact that he is radio personality Charlamange Tha God's father.
    Charlamange is most known for his time co-hosting with radio personality turned TV show host Wendy Williams and his current station Power 105.1. Back to the altercation that took place at the football game, things all started when supposedly McKevley did not rise or remain silent during the moment of silent segment of the opening of the game and the singing of the national anthem.
    This acts were the starting point of the brawl that McKevley felt the need to use his taser and he feels that he did nothing wrong because he feels that he was being harassed.
      McKevley states his side: “Don’t make be out to be a criminal. I was just doing what I had to do to protect myself,” McKelvey said after being released on $22,500 bail late Monday from the Bergen County Jail.
    According to an interview with his son, Charlamange Tha God,  on New York radio station Power 105.1, McKelvey is a Jehovah’s Witness and his religion forbids him to stand for the national anthem.
He was charged with three counts of aggravated assault and illegal possession of a stun gun.
And people are wondering how the man was able to get the weapon in the stadium with the heightened security that day.
   “He didn’t sneak it in. It was right on his hip,” Charlamange Tha God son said. “I’m glad he had his Taser. A higher power absolutely knew there was going to be some jerks in the stands who would assault him.”
But witnesses said before the altercation became physical, McKelvey pulled out his Taser."(

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