I recently endured a 12 hour road trip to the Free State and boy, let me tell you, what awaited me was far worse than the never-ending drive itself! Well, I went, I saw and I survived a small taste of the simple life. Even though the break-away was really nice and everything was a learning expierence, I much rather prefer my glamour-filled city life.
When we stopped for petrol for about the 5th time, I saw these cute lil' horses and ponies.
As you can see, totally bored at this place called Legends...
... but don't they know that Marilyn Monroe is not a legend? She's an icon.
Oh well, ordering some of their 'fine cuisine', nevertheless, while putting on my ilovethisplace face.
The next day we watched athletics at a primary school. Adorable how they cry when they lose.
Later that day I was dragged to watch local rugby matches, which at first I didn't mind, because I thought I'd get front row tickets to, what usually is, a beef fest. Damn, was I wrong. I've learnt enough about rugby the last couple of months to rightfully say it sucked. Bunch of amateurs with skinny legs and love-handles.
Maybe if they spend less time rehearsing war-cries and more time playing rugby, they will do much better on the field.
This is my omgrugbyismyfavouritethingtowatch face.
Definitely the most talented rugby player of the day.
After two hours of torture, I wanted to leave. I felt insulted. So the boyfriend took me to a farm where I drove through corn- and sunflower fields on the back of a bakkie. I sat in a truck that costs more than an SL 65 AMG. I listened to Afrikaans music. I played with children. See, totally out of my comfort zone.
I fell in love with this tractor, the Case Steiger.
The wheels are HUGE
It's operated digitally!
Cute lil' dusty truck!
I also fell in love with this peaceful surroundings.
This was the first time I ever saw Emu birds. I thougth this was baby ostriches!
After all that fresh air, I drank brandy and coke with the men. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
I needed no convincing when this bottle of Poncho's was brought to the table.
Later that evening we hit the road back home again. We only stopped the next morning at Three Sisters, because I needed some sunlight and caffeine. Never in my life will I drive that far again!
I have to say, every now and then, a trip like this would be really nice. But not longer than a week. I need my cell phone signal, big malls and night life! Next time I'm packing in my khaki and gumboots, and leaving Roberto Cavalli at home.
The simple life, it ain't for me!
(Images: writer's own. Please do not use without permission)
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