Friday, April 3, 2009

Top 10 Halloween Costumes For The Financial Crisis

Forget werewolves and vampires. With markets melting and 401(k)s dwindling, people are much more afraid of going broke. This Halloween, give revelers a real shot of terror with a costume that reflects the tough times.

1. AIG Executive

You'll need a fluffy robe and a respectable manicure.


--Spa slippers
--Clay facial mask
--Fluffy slippers
--AIG "Hi My Name Is..." sticker badge

2. Cowboy Capitalism

Dress up in a business suit but with a cowboy hat and boots. Sport a black eye.


--Adult beverage in a brown bag

3. Dow Jones Industrial Average

Paint a large piece of cardboard with a downward plunging arrow and write "DJIA" across your chest.


--A teddy bear
--A case of the shakes

4. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

A guy and a gal dress up as drunken sailors in the style of Raggedy Ann and Andy.


--Bottles of booze
--Toy houses

5. Financial Bailout

Gear up in red and gold as the Hammer and Sickle Superhero. You'll need: a headband, tights and a cape.


--A bucket labeled $700 billion and stuffed with cash.

6. Golden Parachute

Put on a jumpsuit (preferably gold). Then spray-paint a trash bag gold and attach parachute strings.


--Affix giant dollar sign to chest
--Safety goggles or golden superhero mask, depending on taste
--Play money tucked into belt and pockets.

7. Lehman CEO Dick Fuld

Climb into your Skeletor costume. Put on a golden parachute.


--"Blame the Shorts" button
--Golden handcuffs

8. Mortgage-Backed Security

Strap a small, plastic child's play house on your back.


--Wrap two bike chains across your chest
--Makeup to turn face black and blue

9. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson

Get a sharp looking suit, bald cap, rimless spectacles.


--Toy bazooka

--Assistant Secretary Neel Kashkari "mini me" doll.

10. Underwater Mortgage

Make a diorama of a house with a hole in the bottom for your head. Paint fish and furniture floating in the windows. Wear a snorkel and diving mask


--Life preserver labeled "foreclosure relief plan"

Visit 13above For More Fun

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