Sunday, April 25, 2010
Shades of Grey for Iron Man 2
Gwyneth Paltrow
,Victoria Beckham
Grey is HOT for Winter, and thank God. It's is one of my wardrobe basics & faves! I just saw the pics of Iron Man 2 premiere under a headline pointing out that the two female stars Gwynnie and ScarJo both wore grey - & they both look FANTASTIC! Funnily enough, on inspection, both are wearing two of my fave designers.

Gwyneth is in Victoria Beckham's zip back dress in a beautiful deep smoke-grey. I LOVE the colour, but do prefer it on J.Lo though, you def. need a more back (ie. a bum) to carry off this dress!

Loving Rouland Mouret's Pigalle Wool dress. Look at all my faves wearing it - J.Lo, Dita, Beyonce...grey rocks.

Very excited about Iron Man 2. I love Downey.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
All that glitters
Stolen Girlfriends Club
New Zealand jewellery! These Meadowlark harnesses from the latest 'Fit to be Tied' range are fab. Reminds me kind of of the crazy long Zambesi necklaces that came out in 2007. Unfortunately, mine broke. (Probably because it was given to me by a toxic ex-boyfriend. A sign!)

I like a knuckle duster too - D_Luxe have some fab ones.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Solarul este cancerigen!!
- Sedintele la solar au fost catalogate oficial drept "cancerigene", fiind incluse in aceeasi grupa de risc cu tigarile, arsenicul si azbestul, dupa ce expertii internationali au descoperit ca bronzatul artificial poate creste cu 75% riscul aparitiei cancerului.
- Aparatele cu raze ultraviolete folosite pentru bronzarea artificiala sunt mult mai periculoase decat s-a crezut initial, ele fiind incluse in categoria produselor cancerigene, dupa ce pana acum specialistii considerau ca riscul imbolnavirii este doar unul "probabil", transmite Reuters.
- Potrivit ultimului studiu publicat de Agentia Internationala pentru Studierea Cancerului (IARC), sedintele la solar cresc riscul aparitiei cancerului cu 75%, in special daca sunt folosite de copii sau adulti tineri."Riscul aparitiei cancerului de piele creste cu 75% daca folosirea aparatelor de bronzat incepe inainte de 30 de ani", potrivit raportului IARC.
- Aceasta ar putea fi si cauza pentru care din ce in ce mai multe femei sunt diagnosticate cu melanom malign. Numai in Marea Britanie, de la 9.400 de persoane, cat au fost diagnosticate in perioada 1958 - 1987, s-a ajuns, in perioada 2004 - 2006, la peste 24.000 de persoane cu acelasi diagnostic.Se estimeaza ca doar in Marea Britanie, 3 milioane de oameni merg regulat in saloanele de bronzat. Printre ei se afla inclusiv copii cu varsta de 11 ani.
- Statele Unite si unele tari europene au restrictionat deja folosirea aparatelor pentru bronzat de catre tineri, interzicandu-le complet adolescentilor sau introducand obligativitatea acordului parintilor sau a medicului de familie.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Save or Splurge ?
,Save or Splurge
Forever21 Sleeveless Slashed Top $10.80 |
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Liber la bronz sanatos
bronzare organiza
,bronzare sanatoasa

Monday, April 19, 2010
Wildfox has landed!
Rock Chick
,Victoria Beckham

I am rather enamored with Wildfox. All of their marketing & press that I've seen appeals to me - glam rock, pink, shiney hearts, cool graphics, flamingos, glitter, hearts, wings, rock chicks, long hair, red lips. I just think the designs are styley and edgy and cute without bordering toooo far into try-hard tack and predictable, & the graphic design is clever & cool.
The ever gorgeous Alessandra Ambrosio in 'Hawk' and 'Only' tops
They have a top that is the spit of one I made myself in 1996. I had seen the white T.Shirt with a red cross on it 'Rachel from Friends' wore, so bought myself some fabric paints and made my own version, got a white tee from the House of G and painted on a big red heart. Mine wasn't glittery though :-( I loved that thing! Must dig out a piccie...J.Lo has been spotted in this Wildfox sweatshirt version...

As a kid I loved those American football style Tees with the year on 'em. It looked so soft and I loved the fadey destroyed wash, plus the little rips - totally cool.

Wildfox Couture Spring 2010 from Wildfox Couture on Vimeo.
Love the video, the fact that they used Blondie is just the cherry on top. I have finally got used to spelling it with one X. For some reason I kept adding an X. Wildfoxx!!! I guess because the label seems to be sooo glamour rock 80's that it seemed to fit. I usually hate all things 80's style but these T.shirts just remind me of Van Halen and Poison and GLAM ROCK.
So yes, Wildfox Couture is now available from Superette. Let's hope that the brash glam-slam rock style look doesn't end up falling into the realm of Ed Hardy. Ick. Or worse - end up on the Jersey Shore kids - Egad!!!!!
Check out Superette here...
Coachella Chic
Celeb Style Sighting
Check out some of the pics here
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cocktail Ring Giveaway
Hey everyone my giveaway is sponsored by StudioLeanne she designed this ring just for the contest: check out the feature i did on her store and rings HERE
Thursday, April 15, 2010
NZ Art Fabulosity
New Zealand art. I majored in Art History (& English Lit) at Uni, so in 1996 after cutting my teeth as a Curatorial Assistant at the Southland Museum & Art Gallery, I packed my bags and moved from one end of the country to the other to try and get a job at mecca - The Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tamaki. Luckily I managed to get a job on the front desk, then as a Gallery Assistant at both the AAG & the brand new NEW Gallery annex.

There were also some crazy oddities that confused, perplexed, and sometimes angered exhibition visitors. I'm still rather disturbed by Paul McCarthy, the video/installation & performance artist who had punters dress up in Pinocchio outfits complete with clown shoes & masks (which we had to metho after each use!) - a slippery slope between the absurd and the disturbing. Chili Pepper Anthony Kiedis was in town & checked out that particular installation. Twice! Including McCarthy was a move, but thank God Bogle chose one of his tamer works. many of his works are extremely disturbing - I will leave you to do your own reaserach, here! Enter at your own risk...
Christian Marclay’s 'Tapefall' consisted of a film projector suspended on a plank continuously spooling tape down onto the conservatory roof? Hmmm. (Guess who got to clean that up after 3 months? Me sliding about amongst a huge mountain of dust-encrusted tape on the gallery skylight was a rather interesting sight.)
Inside those walls I had many many hours to absorb the amazing artworks, learning from the Curators and Preparators, and visiting all the galleries in the Lorne St & Kitchener St area. I also worked part time at The Gregory Flint Gallery on Lorne St in 1996, when Bill Hammonds went for around $3-5K! Beautiful.
Here are a few of my favorite NZ artists' works from the Webb's catalogue. Topping my current wish list is the incomparable Bill Hammond...
Another longtime favourite is Nuiean artist John Pule.

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