Since the advent of social community sites & Web 2.0 concept, the real growth & the success of a website now lies on users of that site. Among all the social community sites Myspace has really encashed on the user sentiments & has been the most popular one, attracting millions of traffic on Myspace. As it becomes a popular hub of online social mixing, more & more people & websites are trying to be more visible in the Myspace circle. The simple way of success is the number of hits your profile or player gets. But it gets really tough as the number of people is huge in Myspace.

Some of the features that usually drag you attention are as follows :
1. Hellofriendz works in New Myspace Player
2. HelloFriendz appeared to be the fastest and most accurate hits producing s/w
3. It gives around 10,000 Hits in just 5min and that too Unlimited.
4. Hellofriendz is the one source to obtain huge number of traffics, revenue, promoting Musics and websites also bookings for shows.
Hence, using this software musicians & bands gets lot of visibility in Myspace & makes their profile the most visited ones, which in turn attracts more people to their profiles in a viral sense & makes then popular . As because maximum number of hits using this s/w will increase your chance to come up in Featured Artist Page and hit the Myspace Top Charts.

The 2009 musician must have the ability and capability to be both artist and entrepreneur, and to deliver results. Today's artist is web savvy. He/she must move around different blogs, social networks, ezines, internet radio, establish global distribution, online promos, not only know what a bot is or how a proxy works, but know how and when to use it. So obv, MySpace has now become the all on one source to obtain traffic, revenue and bookings for shows. So the next time some industry rep shoots the biz with you after a show, you won't be hard pressed to answer 'what's your myspace play count and profile views', because he'll probably already know them. This type of program like Hellofriendz, outfits today's artist with the tools to establish real fans, revenue and most importantly fame and name.

In photo : The Hellofriendz Player that gives you UNLIMITED hits to the profile and also to the songs...
Hopefully there are number of Myspace Plays Increaser s/w but unfortunately some of them are failed to give UNLIMITED number of hits and the most are not working due to the launch of new Myspace Player. From that dead end, there is the only software called Hellofriendz that has really struggled out from this problem and good to see that it works in new Myspace player as well as it provides you UNLIMITED number of hits to the profile and songs...Some of the features that usually drag you attention are as follows :
1. Hellofriendz works in New Myspace Player
2. HelloFriendz appeared to be the fastest and most accurate hits producing s/w
3. It gives around 10,000 Hits in just 5min and that too Unlimited.
4. Hellofriendz is the one source to obtain huge number of traffics, revenue, promoting Musics and websites also bookings for shows.
Hence, using this software musicians & bands gets lot of visibility in Myspace & makes their profile the most visited ones, which in turn attracts more people to their profiles in a viral sense & makes then popular . As because maximum number of hits using this s/w will increase your chance to come up in Featured Artist Page and hit the Myspace Top Charts.

In photo : "This could be You" suggest that Hellofriendz will help you to hit the Myspace Top Charts quite easily and make you recognized much faster.
The 2009 musician must have the ability and capability to be both artist and entrepreneur, and to deliver results. Today's artist is web savvy. He/she must move around different blogs, social networks, ezines, internet radio, establish global distribution, online promos, not only know what a bot is or how a proxy works, but know how and when to use it. So obv, MySpace has now become the all on one source to obtain traffic, revenue and bookings for shows. So the next time some industry rep shoots the biz with you after a show, you won't be hard pressed to answer 'what's your myspace play count and profile views', because he'll probably already know them. This type of program like Hellofriendz, outfits today's artist with the tools to establish real fans, revenue and most importantly fame and name.